Making Jewellery-small enterprises for a big European crises
The project is a result of the contact seminar ”Creativity & Innovations in Handicraft and Arts” held in Espoo, Finland on 9-12 October 2012.
The project provides learners with descriptions and video clips of various styles of making jewellery using different materials such as silver, glass, pearls, wood, plastic mass and recycled materials.
A network between project participants and social partners will be established as an international platform of exchange experience in jewellery business. The target groups are VET students, women about 50+, unemployed and representatives of the world of work. The best techniques will be conducted to produce e.g. an E- photo album with photos of jewellery made by European learners. International mobilities with workshops will act as a practice for learners and staff after local after local trainings.
The project is the first step to an ECVET connection in the European framework and a basic description of an ECVET unit of jewellery making will be produced which can be developed further in next projects. An ECVET unit promotes the comparability and transparency of qualifications in different European countries which improves the employability and encourages free mobility. The project will begin a process of capacity building in the field of jewellery making.
International mobilities with workshops will be practice for learners and staff after local trainings. The project will establish a partnership between European organizations that will have an impact on local actors and business to improve employment opportunities in jewellery sector by showing examples of good practice.
Poster of the project
"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."